Tuesday, July 8, 2008


posoleii I didn't have enough leftovers for 6 1/2 days of work, so one night I came home and made myself posole with mole verde. The mole had pepitas; tomatillos; poblanos and serranos; and parsley, coriander, and radish leaves. I'd roasted the peppers and pressure-cooked the posole and runner cannellinis in the morning, so it didn't take too long, and then I had enough for three more days of work lunches. I ate it with cabbage, radish, avocado, dried Mexican oregano, and lime juice.

1 comment:

joannamauselina said...

All that is Greek to me - or maybe Spanish to me! I need a translation. But it looks yummy, nonetheless. Your blog is really cute, and makes me drool a bit.